Saturday, February 17, 2007

I'm Swimming Towards Iwo Jima Today

February 17, 1945

This is the day for me. I'll dive out out of the boat at about 1110. I'll be enjoying a swim while the rest are all shooting like hell.

Night of February 17, 1945

Didn't enjoy that swim after all. Our gun boat was sunk before I left the boat. D.D. finished the support job. Shells were flying in every direction and truthfully, I was scared "shitless". At first I thought it was falling schrapnel falling around me, but it turned out to be a sniper.

Got about 30 yards from shore and couldn't get no closer. Things got too hot for me! Bullets and shells falling all over the place. Some of those 5'ers landed right in front of me. Snipers kept shooting until I was about 300 yards out.

The boat picked me up about 600 or 700 yards from shore and boy, did those plywood bulkheads seem good.

--- Gunboats - rockets by the 100's
--- Planes - rockets and bombs
--- Ships fire (power)
--- Fellas on rock yesterday - damn lucky

Don't believe there's going to be any demolition so maybe I'll sleep tonight. Nothing left to do but wait for the Marines to arrive. Should be rugged.

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